All/Te Gjitha
500 Leke
Krutona, miser, parmigiano, fileto pule, sallate jeshile, salce ceasar / Croutons, corn, parmigiano, chicken fillet, green salad, caesar sauce
550 Leke
Arugula ,tomato ,parmigiano
400 Leke
Djathe dhe perime te stines / Cheese and seasonal vegetables sauce
580 Leke
Mango,salmon I tymosur,qepe ,aceto balsamike,citronet portokalli / Mango, smoked salmon, onion, balsamic vinegar, orange
1250 Leke
Proshuta dhe djathra speciale,byreke,recel ,fruta t stines / Ham and special cheeses, pies, jams, seasonal fruits
950 Leke
Djathra dhe recele te ndryshem Malesie / Different cheeses and preserves from Malesia
550 Leke
Kerpudha dhe ereza speciale / Mushrooms and special spices
550 Leke
Polpete me mish vici ,salce / Beef meatballs, sauce
1300 Leke
Avokado,oktapod,pomodorini ,hudhra dhe ereza speciale Avocado, octopus, tomatoes, garlic and special spices
1200 Leke
Karkalec i marinuar,ananas,vaj ulliri ekstra i virgjer Marinated shrimp, pineapple, extra virgin olive oil
1200 Leke
Karkalec,sepie,salmon i tymosur,kallamare te marinuara, vaj ulliri ekstra i virgjer Shrimp, cuttlefish, smoked salmon, marinated squid, extra virgin oil
950 Leke
Djathe burrata .domate,rukola,roshute krudo,pesto genoveze / Burrata cheese, tomatoes, arugula, crudo roschute, genovese pest
300 Leke
Djathe dhie,arra,mjalte Goat cheese, walnuts, honey
580 Leke
Baked beans with sausage
480 Leke
Speca te marinuar,filadelfia / Marinated peppers, Philadelphia
1350 Leke
Karkaleca,salce,ereza mix,hudher,djathe / Shrimp, sauce, erez mix, garlic, cheese
1400 Leke
Kalamare,karkalec,sepie / Squid, shrimp, cuttlefish
350 Leke
Pule fshati ,perime te stines dhe ereza / Country chicken, seasonal vegetables and spices
300 Leke
Perime te stines dhe ereza / Seasonal vegetables and herbs
390 Leke
Peshk i fresket dhe ereza / Fresh fish and herbs
750 Leke
Rizoto,karkalec,sepie,kallamare,oktapod / Risotto, shrimp, cuttlefish, squid, octopus
650 Leke
Risotto with chicken and sticks, paneer
750 Leke
Risotto with pumpkin basil burrata
700 Leke
Tartuf,pana,parmigiano / Truffle, paneer, parmigiano
800 Leke
Karkalec,kungull,pomodorini,salce / Shrimp, pumpkin, tomato, sauce
750 Leke
Karkalec,sepie,oktapod,kallamare,pomodorini,salce / Shrimp, cuttlefish, octopus, squid, tomato, sauce
580 Leke
Spinak,pana,stracatela / Spinach, paneer, stracatela
550 Leke
Pule,spec ate ndryshem pikante,pana / Chicken, different spicy peppers, panna
1400 Leke
Fileto vici,pana,mustard,pepe verde / Beef fillet, panna, mustard, pepe verde
1400 Leke
Fileto vici,kerrpurdha,pana,salce tartufi / Veal fillet, venison, panna, truffle sauce
1300 Leke
Grilled beef fillet with potatoes
750 Leke
Chicken fillet with baked potatoes
1200 Leke
Beef steak with baked potatoes
1450 Leke
Beef steak with baked potatoes
1450 Leke
Fileto vici,proshute e thate ,djathe parmigiano,ereza special ,salce / Beef fillet, dried ham, Parmigiano cheese, special herbs, sauce
1400 Leke
Beef fillet with goat cheese and walnuts
1100 Leke
Carpaccio vici,salce e marinuar ,parmigiano,caperi / Carpaccio vici, marinated sauce, parmigiano, capers
1000 Leke
Eskalope viçi me pane, salcë, mocarela, kërpudha / Beef Escalope with paner,sauce,mozzarella, mushroom
450 Leke
Tomahawk steak (100 gram)
450 Leke
Fiorentina steak (100 gram)
1300 Leke
Peshk Levrek I shoqeruar me perime / Fish “Levrek “accompanied by vegetables
1300 Leke
Koc ne zgare I shoqeruar me perime / Fish “Koc" accompanied by vegetables
1350 Leke
Salmon ne zgare I shoqeruar me perime
1400 Leke
Levrek kartocio,kaperi,pomodorini,ullinj / Fish “Levrek “caper, tomatoes, olives
750 Leke
Mozzarella,rukula,pomodorini,proshute e thate,ullinj,djathe / Mozzarella, arugula, tomatoes, dried ham, olives, cheese
450 Leke
Salce domate ,mozzarella / Tomato sauce, mozzarella
600 Leke
Mozzarella,salce,sallam,proshute / Mozzarella, sauce, salami, ham
550 Leke
Mozzarella,salce,kerpurdha,ullinj,proshute / Mozzarella, sauce, mushrooms, olives, ham
300 Leke
300 Leke
300 Leke
300 Leke
180 Leke
180 Leke
180 Leke
180 Leke
350 Leke
250 Leke
180 Leke
200 Leke
90 Leke
250 Leke
150 Leke
120 Leke
180 Leke
400 Leke
90 Leke
100 Leke
100 Leke
120 Leke
150 Leke
150 Leke
150 Leke
150 Leke
150 Leke
120 Leke
150 Leke
650 Leke
500 Leke
650 Leke
500 Leke
650 Leke
450 Leke
450 Leke
450 Leke
450 Leke
250 Leke
300 Leke
350 Leke
400 Leke
300 Leke
300 Leke
3500 Leke
2500 Leke
2500 Leke
2500 Leke
2500 Leke
2000 Leke
800 Leke
1600 Leke
900 Leke
1300 Leke
500 Leke
250 Leke
1000 Leke
500 Leke
350 Leke
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400 Leke
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650 Leke
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500 Leke
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350 Leke
500 Leke
400 Leke
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200 Leke
250 Leke